Whitening spots by rubbing these foods on the face


No one has the perfect skin. Countless factors, including prolonged sun exposure, use of low-quality cosmetics, and associated medical conditions, affect your overall appearance. The main idea is that there are many people who have dark spots on the skin, on the face and even on surfaces such as the knees or elbows. Did you know that you can whiten  spots on your face by rubbing certain foods on your skin? Keep reading to find out what are those foods that you can buy them to do your tests.

Whitening spots by rubbing these foods on the face

And yes, the good news is that there are foods that can be “rubbed” on the skin, to lighten, and at best remove spots on the face and improve the overall appearance. These are natural remedies, and they can make a real difference, lightening your skin perfectly.

Licorice to lighten stains

Licorice is not only a delicious treatment, but also a powerful natural remedy that whitens the spots on the face. For topical applications, it is recommended to use licorice in powder form, as these guarantees to reduce the production of melanin at the level of the skin and lighten the areas where dark spots are present. It can be used in combination with cold milk until a paste is formed.

Apply directly to the skin, for at least seven days, for consistent results. Alternatively, you can mix licorice powder with oatmeal powder and water, exfoliating your skin efficiently (every day).

Sandal spot whitening sandals

Sandalic powder is another natural remedy to consider for topical applications, which has incredible properties for skin lightening and whitening spots. In case tea you’re wondering how to get rid of acne, sandalic powder is once again the answer. Direct application on the skin can lighten dark spots, as well as address any acne-related defects or lesions present on the skin.

For best results, it is recommended to mix sandalwood powder with lemon juice and rose water. The paste should be applied for up to a week, to enjoy visible changes.

To remove stains, nothing like cucumbers

Cucumbers contain a large percentage of water, with moisturizing and lightening properties of the skin at the same time. If you’ve tanned unevenly or have patches of discoloration on your skin, you can use cucumbers with confidence.

You can mix grated cucumber with aloe vera gel, applying the resulting mixture to your skin. The application can be continued for up to a week until you notice an improvement in skin color. Alternatively, you can mix grated cucumbers with chickpea flour and lemon juice. The mixture should be kept on the skin until it is completely dry. The recommended application period is one week as well.

Red lentils for skin lightening

Red lentils can be used to cook some delicious foods, but at the same time, they can be used to whiten the skin in an effective way. Rich in protein, this natural remedy can help you to get rid of an opaque complexion and also to lighten the skin, making dark spots on the face less visible. You can use red lentils to remove dead cells accumulated on the surface of the skin and lighten it.

For best results, it is recommended to soak red lentils overnight. In the morning, grind them and create a paste, then mix with coconut oil and tomato juice. For best results, keep the paste on the skin for 15 minutes. Use this natural remedy for up to a week, to enjoy consistent results.


If you are a fan of yogurt, you might be interested to know that this dairy product can work wonders when applied directly to the skin. Not only does it nourish the skin by being rich in all kinds of nutrients, but it also contains lactic acid, which is well known for its glowing properties on the skin.

For the best results, it is recommended to mix the yogurt with raw honey and then apply it on the skin. The application should be kept on the skin for 10 to 15 minutes, and then rinsed. You can apply it daily, seven to ten days. Alternatively, you can mix the yogurt with oatmeal and lemon juice, applying the resulting mixture as a face mask to lighten the blemished skin.

Honey to whiten spots on the face

Since ancient times, honey has been used for beauty rituals given its rich moisturizing properties. Honey is also recommended because of its lightening properties, as well as for the ability to fight bacteria and other microbes (it works wonders for acne-prone skin).

To lighten the skin and disappear dark spots, it is recommended to mix honey with lemon juice, powdered milk and almond oil. Keep the application on the skin for a quarter of an hour, then rinse. The application can be repeated every other day, for seven to ten days.


While sugar is not a whole food, but rather a byproduct, it has some wonderful properties at the skin level. It can be used to lighten the skin as well as to perform a gentle exfoliation. For the best results, it is recommended to mix organic brown sugar with honey, until you get a uniform mixture. This type of mixture is especially recommended for facial applications, as it removes dead cells accumulated on the surface of the skin and stimulates blood circulation at the same time. The application can be repeated twice in a week to get the best results.

Oatmeal to brighten the skin of the face

Oatmeal is one of the main products that provide shine to the skin, having gentle exfoliating characteristics and being absolutely useful in dark spots and less visible hyperpigmentation areas. Applying oatmeal to the skin can also help remove dead cells, sebum and dirt accumulated on the surface. For best results, you can mix organic oatmeal with whey, massaging the resulting mixture into the skin. After two minutes, you can rinse. The application can be repeated two or three times a week.

In conclusion, it is possible to use the foods you have in the kitchen, to try different topical applications and whiten spots or lighten your skin tone. These are natural remedies, which mean you don’t have to worry about side effects or adverse reactions. On the other hand, it doesn’t take more than a couple of days, until you notice visible results, so, you can go give them all a try and experience results.


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