Avocado and aloe masks for dry complexion


You can apply on your skin the properties of these natural ingredients that will help you treat the dry complexion and give your face a very healthy look.

These homemade masks can help you maintain in good condition the health of the complexion and the skin of your body in general, they can also be applied on the hands to treat dry skin, redness, and wrinkles and to whiten the skin.

It is important to clarify that the masks should be applied with a clean complexion and without makeup, to avoid that the skin can be irritated or that the greasy of the face plays a trick on us.

Avocado mask for dry hair

Now we must make a paste in which we have intervened with the avocado that must be ripe, we must add a tablespoon of olive oil and of course a little honey. perhaps you need to add a little water in order to make the consistency more malleable, and in this way to be able to spread it through our hair, place it and we must remove it after about 20 minutes approximately, we must wash the hair and then rinse it normally, in this way we can obtain favorable results for the dry complexion, in a very short time.

We must not forget that masks can be used only once or twice a week. This does not have a long duration and it is advisable to use it always after making them, unless this is indicated. This is a mask that should be applied between 15 and 30 minutes.

Preparation of avocado for dry complexion

This mask can be used to treat the dry skin of the whole body and it is prepared with half avocado and also with a tablespoon of olive oil. It is applied for also in 15 minutes and removed with tibia.

Homemade avocado mask for very soft skin

To make this mask we will need an avocado and a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil. The avocado should be ground with a fork and also mixed with olive oil. We must mix the mask very well until we get a mixture without lumps and then we must apply it on the skin and neck. We leave this mask for about 10 minutes approximately. This mixture will also help us to tone the neck to give it a more slender appearance and treat dryness.

Aloe vera for Acne

We must extract 100 grams of aloe vera pulp and also mix it with honey, about 3 tablespoons, add a tablespoon of Whiskey and two tablespoons of the oil. Beat everything and then add the clay, we must mix until the preparation takes a creamy consistency. Now we open the pores of the skin of the face using steam and then apply this mask for about 20 minutes. With this mask you can treat the problem of acne in a very effective way.

We must not forget that these masks are usually used only 2 or 3 times a week, the more you use that procedure much faster the completion, although you will not have to advance and do it every day because it cannot be abused.

Mask to rejuvenate the skin

For this homemade mask that can help you treat the aged appearance of your face, or in a particular area, we must use aloe vera from which we must extract the gel by scraping with a spoon. Once the aloe vera gel is obtained, we only have to apply it directly on our face in order to rejuvenate its appearance.

Homemade aloe mask for healthy skin

We need to extract the pulp from two or 3 aloe stems, add to this next to half a cucumber, then add 2 tablespoons of honey and also a little milk until the mixture becomes with a soft and creamy consistency. Then we must apply it on the face for about 15 to 30 minutes. This is a very beneficial solution to achieve healthy skin in a few days.

Home blend for complexion

We will have to mix the aloe vera pulp with a mango or papaya; you can choose one of these two fruits. This homemade mask is ideal to revitalize and moisturize our skin with those enriching substances. We put in the blender the pulp of two large stems of aloe vera along with the mango or papaya. Once we have a proper consistency, we must apply them over the skin for 15 minutes. This is the last mask on the list with which you can give the benefits of these fruits directly to your skin.


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