7 fruits you should consume more to treat cellulite


Cellulite is one of the most common aesthetic problems in women. It is an accumulation of fats and toxins with an orange hue that makes it extremely complex to use certain types of garments.

Now, to treat cellulite there are natural options such as following an adequate diet, performing a well-thought-out exercise routine for our body and opting for products with direct effects on cellulite such as the consumption of fruits that help to naturally combat the formation of cellulite.

Fruits recommended to treat cellulite

Among the foods to treat cellulite that are most often mentioned by experts, due to the results of their consumption, there are some fruits that deserve their space within our eating plan. These fruits have the ability to provide the body with vitamins and minerals needed to eliminate cellulite.

1. Toronjas

If you start your day with a delicious grapefruit juice you will notice changes over time related to the reduction of cellulite. It is also one of the most recommended fruits for weight loss and appetite reduction, so the consequences of its consumption will not only be subject to a goal.

2. Melon

To the melon you can attach it to a variety of dishes; you can consume it in salads for example. A good preparation would be to mix them in the form of small cubes with raisins, nuts and a piece of orange. No matter the variety of melon you lean towards, they all offer you excellent results to treat these skin problems.

3. Chinese Oranges

They are those that are characterized by being small and elongated. The recommendation is that you drink two glasses a day of its juice. It is a very good solution for the swollen stomach or for the reduction of inflammations.

4. Pineapple

In addition to providing plenty of vitamin C and a good amount of potassium, pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that helps in the digestion of proteins. Bromelain also helps break down the buildup of fibrin in thin blood vessels, which have a beneficial effect on blood circulation for the skin.

With three slices a day of pineapple, one that accompanies each of the main meals, you will get a favorable change in your cellulite and in the body in general. In addition, this fruit has contributions to health that you cannot miss.

5. Grenades

Pomegranates have a natural action as depurative agents that are very powerful to reverse cellulite. They are also responsible for preventing the body from accumulating toxins and fluids in general, which end up ending up at the hips. With one grenade a day you can notice good results over time.

6. Bananas

Bananas are one of the foods with the highest ratio of potassium to sodium, which makes them an excellent snack for women prone to developing cellulite. Sodium increases water retention associated with cellulite problems, while potassium has the effect of reducing it. In addition, bananas are known to promote healthy blood flow in the body.

Proper blood circulation ensures that skin cells receive the nutrients they need. Blood flow also releases toxins to the body that may be responsible for the accumulation of cellulite.

Enjoy bananas as a simple appetizer, you can also mix it with fat-free yogurt, a slice in cereals or mix in a fruit salad.

7. Pears

Eating pears as part of a balanced and healthy diet can help fight cellulite. These juicy and sweet fruits contain a good amount of iodine. Iodine is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, which controls the basal metabolic rate, or the rate at which the body consumes energy at rest.

Iodine deficiency can result in slow thyroid activity which in turn can lead to weight gain or weight loss. In addition, iodine could help drain toxins that are considered one of the main causes of cellulite. Also pectin in pears helps to eliminate harmful substances in the body, favoring the fight against cellulite.

Other natural remedies to treat cellulite

In order to get you to have more options to treat cellulite, we leave you these tips to make your own home remedies to treat it properly.

Know these healthy home remedies to treat cellulite that will give your skin a very healthy and renewed look.

Sometimes we do not know what consequences the intake of certain foods can generate. In the case of cellulite or orange peel, a healthy and balanced diet is the best way to fight against its appearance. Home remedies for cellulite are a set of factors that have the purpose of avoiding the appearance of cellulite, or once presented, to be able to treat it.

Home remedies to treat cellulite

Some home remedies to treat it are based precisely on this: Know which foods we should withdraw from our diet because they are harmful and which will be the most beneficial.

Diet to avoid cellulite

This is the case of salt, which leads to fluid retention and poor circulation, ultimately generating the appearance of cellulite. Other foods that do not contribute anything and harm the skin are those that contain the so-called empty calories. This is the case of white sugar, pastries or fast and precooked food.

These foods provide us with calories that are transformed into fat and cellulite. On the other hand, the consumption of horsetail, being a plant with diuretic properties will help us fight against fluid retention and benefit our skin by eliminating the appearance of cellulite.

Abundant water consumption benefits the skin

Among the home remedies to treat cellulite we find the consumption of a good amount of water a day. Water allows us to remove from the body impurities and waste products that would otherwise accumulate in our body in the form of cellulite. Drinking at least two liters of water a day will be very healthy as long as the cause of cellulite does not come from fluid retention because in this case we can aggravate the problem.

Apple cider vinegar an effective home remedy for cellulite

Apple cider vinegar is among the home remedies for cellulite because it is a natural diuretic that fights against fluid retention and helps eliminates toxins from our body.

It can be taken orally or applied topically. For this you can drink every morning a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar along with a glass of warm water. Or in the second case, apply to the area a mixture with three parts of apple cider vinegar and one of water.

Home scrub for treating cellulite

Folk remedies to treat cellulite use simple foods that are easily found at home. This is the case of the exfoliant for cellulite based on coffee, brown sugar (it is more easily mixed with other ingredients) and olive oil. The combination of these ingredients helps to remove excess fluid from the skin as caffeine fights fat deposits and sugar acts as an exfoliant.


  • Ground coffee (half a cup)
  • Brown sugar (1/4 cup)
  • Olive oil (3/4 cup)

Method of preparation and use:

Mix the coffee with the olive oil and go adding the sugar. Finally it is applied to the affected areas by circular movements and then removed with water. You can see more information about the coffee scrub for cellulite.



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