Shampoos to maintain and grow the beard and mustache


The beard and mustache have been since man appeared on earth, the most distinctive symbol of masculinity.

Although for a while they were practically stopped from use by a large part of the male population, today they have gained a renewed air and their use has already become a real trend.

That is why these manly symbols require meticulous care and attention, so that they will not look disreinteous and disordered.

To this end, an entire market has been established; where it is possible to select from a good variety of oils, balm, soaps and other various types of cosmetics, of which shampoo stands out.

The shampoo for the beard and the mustache is a cosmetic that helps them to remain in perfect condition of hygiene and health, in addition to influencing that they grow in an accelerated way and are denser.

For a correct cleaning of facial hairs, it is not enough to splash them with a little water or take a shower and take the opportunity to lather them.

If the intention is that the facial hair looks bright and lustrous, it is necessary to use a shampoo that is especially dedicated to this type of hair; by virtue of this being very different from the hair on the head, so they merit a different treatment.

Why use a specific shampoo for the beard and mustache?

The essential reason is that this type of shampoo is specially elaborated, taking into consideration the composition and characteristics of facial hair; to ensure that you can have a clean, attractive and well-maintained beard and mustache.

Therefore, clean your facial hair with your special shampoo; it is indispensable in a good grooming routine that will benefit your appearance.

How does this product act on facial hair?

The shampoo for facial hair has adequate properties, which allows it to act directly on dirt and the remains of oil and balm; they are usually applied for the maintenance and modeling of the beard and mustache.

Especially in the area of the beard, many dust particles usually accumulate that are essential to eliminate.

Additionally, within the composition of this type of shampoo, there are components that correct the problems of split ends, presence of dandruff and stinging.

Facial hair does not deserve to be thoroughly washed daily, but it does deserve to be washed at least 2 or 3 times a week; otherwise this would become something frizzy, scaly or brittle, due to excess shampoo.

 It is not correct to use hair shampoo for facial hair

Although it seems somewhat inconsequential, the benefits of the shampoo for hair are very different from those provided by the shampoo for facial hair.

It is all because there are notable differences in the composition of hair and hair, and those of the beard and mustache.

For example, while the hair of the head fulfills a cycle of 3 stages, the facial hair has a different cycle and also, very short.

On the other hand, facial hair is notoriously thicker and thicker than scalp hair.

As far as the skin is concerned, the skin of the scalp is much oilier than the skin of the face; because of the difference between the two in terms of sebaceous fat content.

For all the reasons stated above, the right shampoo should be selected for each one.

Characteristics of shampoo for facial hair

Almost all the vast majority of shampoo that enjoy recognition for the beard and mustache, have in their composition a series of natural ingredients that are protective of the skin such as aloe vera, shea butter and some essential oils; that cause the beard to have a pleasant odor after washing.

Shampoo come in different presentations as boats or also in tablet and the way to use them is very easy. They should only be applied on the hair and facial and rub it gently, until they come into contact with the skin.

Then, it is massaged until enough foam is produced; to later rinse with water.




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