How to lift drooping eyelids in men?


There are many ways to treat the problem of drooping eyelids for both men and women and of any age, these homemade solutions have been used since time immemoable, and have been passed from generation to generation.

In addition to age and genetic factors, there are many factors that affect the fall of the parpados, an aesthetic problem that compromises the general appearance of the face; luckily, reaffirming the area is possible, it only takes a little patience, perseverance and put into practice the recommendations and home remedies now raised Take note!

Why do the eyelids fall out and how to restore their firmness?

Although aging, genetic factors and certain diseases – for example diabetes and migraines – can trigger premature drooping of the eyelids; it can also be due to bad habits such as insufficient skin hydration and excessive sun exposure.

Fortunately, sagging eyelids is something that can be reversed with simpler and cheaper alternatives than cosmetic surgery, a measure adopted by countless women even knowing the risk it entails. That is why the invitation is to bet on the natural and follow the following recommendations:

  • Avoid rubbing the eyes frequently, because in addition to inflaming, it generates dark circles.
  • Sleep at least seven continuous hours a day.
  • Moisturize very well, after all, the eyelid area usually retains a lot of fluid.
  • Include in the diet good sources of vitamin A, as it is a crucial element in the fight against wrinkles.

Homemade alternatives to get rid of drooping eyelids

It is not necessary to have to go through the operating room to restore elasticity to the skin of the drooping eyelids, radically change the appearance in that area does not demand but the implementation of simple home remedies:

1. As simple as cucumber wheels in over the eyes

The fastest and most practical option to lift the drooping eyelids is to take a cold cucumber, chop it into wheels and arrange a couple of them over the eyes, allowing them to rest for 15 to 20 minutes before removing them.

2. Oatmeal, honey egg yolk

Firming masks are an excellent option to show off a smooth face, and the eyelid area is no exception; for this purpose, the beaten egg yolk will be arranged in a container, incorporating – gradually and in equal parts – honey and oatmeal until a homogeneous paste is obtained.

The result will be applied throughout the rosto, emphasizing the area of the eyelids, leave to act 45 minutes, and finish the treatment by rinsing with plenty of cold water.

3. Black figs

The nutrients present in some fruits, make them allies of the general health of the skin; such is the case of the black fig, whose components moisturize and nourish the skin to the point of reaffirming the drooping eyelids. Taking advantage of these virtues requires washing a handful of these, and crushing them until you get a kind of puree to which a few drops of lemon juice will be added.

Apply the mask obtained, on the area to be treated, although if preferred, can be used throughout the face; it is important to let it rest half an hour before removing with cold water.

4. Apple to recover the tone of the drooping eyelids

Like black figs, apples represent an ally of skin health, especially when lifting drooping eyelids; in this case, the fruit must be peeled, its seeds extracted with its pulp, made a paste that will be applied in the area for 20 minutes; after the time, stir using fresh water.

5. Chamomile to deflate and refresh

There are many known benefits of chamomile infusion, however, few know the bags used in its preparation; while enjoying a warm cup of the drink these will go directly to the fridge so that, once cold, they are arranged on the closed eyelids the result? The natural alternative with which to relax, while deflates and refreshes the area around the eyes.

6. Exercise

The last suggestion to reaffirm the area of the eyelids is to exercise them; as it reads, implement a routine that returns its firmness. Stopping the fall and formation of wrinkles around the eyes requires:

  • Stretch the eyelids using the tip of the fingers to carry them back; accentuating the breath, try to close your eyes.
  • The next step is to make circles with your eyes and try to look at the ceiling without moving your head.
  • To finish, move your eyes from left to right, fix your head.


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