How to Lose Weight with Boiled Lemon


If you need to lose weight faster, prepare boiled lemon and you will soon see the results.

If you are one of the people who start drinking coffee or other worse drinks, as in some cases that you have breakfast with soft drinks, even diets are not a good idea, you should instead try a breakfast that includes this natural drink on an empty stomach.

Lemon is integral in terms of health and is appreciated for its high content of vitamin C, up to 53 milligrams per 100 grams with only 35 kilocalories. This fruit boosts the immune system and prevents infections and colds, because vitamin C protects against viruses and bacteria.

Benefits of boiled lemon

Lemon boiled water in addition to boosting energy, can help you eliminate bacteria, detoxifying the body and favoring a start to the day full of vitality.

It also protects the body’s cells, helps in healing wounds and with weight loss, provides firm skin, reduces digestive problems and is the perfect weapon against hangover after a heavy night, as it detoxifies the body.

Among the beneficial effects of boiled lemon, is the inhibition of the feeling of hunger, thanks to the pectin contained in the peel, which helps digestion and control cholesterol levels in the blood. It will also help deflate the belly and strengthen the immune system (thanks to the intake of vitamin C). It is also able to stimulate diuresis and reduces the formation of cellulite: that’s right, it looks like a miraculous fruit, and it is.

Why should we boil lemon?

Many of the substances that guarantee its slimming effect in lemon are contained in the peel. Not being able to eat it directly due to its unattractive taste, the most practical and comfortable solution is to boil it. In this way it will be possible to get a natural drink for weight loss.

How to prepare boiled lemon?

For its properties it is also an excellent alternative to burn fats, in this way weight loss will occur gradually and naturally. Its depurative action contributes activating the metabolism and favoring the elimination of impurities from our body.


  • 5 lemons.
  • grated ginger, one inch.
  • Garlic cloves, 4 to 5.
  • 2 liters of water.


Place the five lemons cut in half in a pot of water, which will be boiled: at that time, leave them in infusion for at least 3 minutes, turn them off and then remove them from the preparation. Then, letting the lemon water cool a little, it should be strained and introduced into the blender, in which we will include the cloves of garlic, along with the grated ginger and a little honey or stevia. We put to liquefy everything and voila, we will have our drink ready.

How to consume lemon water?

Once cold, boiled lemon water can be consumed at room temperature, or warmed up slightly, in the morning before breakfast. Alternatively, you can take it before you go to sleep, taking care to brush your teeth after consumption to avoid damaging tooth enamel.

If the taste is too acidic, it may be helpful to use a teaspoon of honey, not sugar.

How it helps maintain a healthy weight?

Because the composition of lemon juice is similar to the digestive juices found in the stomach, this stimulates the production of bile, which helps to gently stimulate the gastrointestinal tract.

Lemon water also helps relieve indigestion or relieve upset stomach. All this indirectly favors weight loss, since the body will be constantly eliminating impurities while maintaining good intestinal and digestive functioning.



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