Aloe vera on the face for instantly smooth and shiny skin


Aloe Vera has many medicinal properties and because of those properties is widely used in beauty products. At this point, you should know that you do not need to spend a fortune on expensive cosmetic products just to have a soft and shiny skin. All you need is this simple and easy trick to apply aloe vera on the face and your skin will immediately look soft, beautiful and above all, shiny. Excellent idea for a last minute impression.

Aloe vera on the face for instantly smooth and shiny skin

The best thing about this method of applying aloe vera on the face is that it is very easy and simple, and you only have to apply a single ingredient, which is aloe vera. The results will surprise you.

Here’s what you need to do:

1. Thorough lava

The first thing you need to do, is to wash the plant very well, without peeling it. Make sure you’ve cleaned the leaves well.

2. Soften

Then you have to soften the leaves by gently hitting on them.

3. Cut it in two

After this, it is necessary to cut the leaves in half. However, make sure you don’t cut a very large portion, because you’re not going to use the whole blade at once. Therefore, you should only cut the exact amount you need. (In the photo below, the entire sheet is being cut off.)

4. Cut the edges

In order to peel the aloe vera leaf, first you have to cut the edges of it. Cut these edges with a knife. Also be sure to cut the edges of both sides. This way you’re going to make the leaf open and then be easily peelable.

5. Split it in two

After you have cut the edges, it is necessary to open a slit to the blade using your hands. You can use a knife to cut through the center of the blade if it is not opened easily.

6. Scrape the gel

For this step it is necessary to take a spoon and extract the gel from the leaf. Make sure you drink as much juice as possible so that nothing is wasted. After that, it is necessary to put the gel in a bowl.

7. Rub your whole face

Then you have to apply aloe vera gel all over the face with your fingers. You can also use the already drained aloe vera leaf to massage your face. Then you have to let the mask dry for about 15-20 minutes.

8. Wash your face

Finally, it will be necessary to remove the mask from your face. Then wash your face with clean water. Also remember not to use soap or any chemical to wash your face, because then the mask will not have the same effect.

9. Flawless skin that glows

Dry your face with a clean towel. The results will surprise you. Your skin will be supple and soft and will look radiant.



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