Lightening effect for the skin with homemade preparations


There are natural solutions to generate a lightening effect on the skin and return all its natural shine, the products used are totally natural and easy to make.

Factors such as the sun’s rays, hormones, acne or the use of inappropriate makeup, in the long run can generate the appearance of spots on the skin, or simply darken some areas of our skin. This hyper or hypo pigmentation represents an aesthetic problem that results in a lot of frustration for some people.

Depending on the causative agent, there are many preventive measures to avoid this problem or to reverse it by getting skin lightening. If you do not know what causes you the machas, hiccups or hyper pigmentation in your skin it is advisable to attend a dermatologist who can help you identify the problem. Once identified it will be much easier for you to establish a treatment for it.

Homemade preparations for a clarifying effect

However, the sun is usually the main cause of this type of problem. That is why a correct daily sun protection, will help you to avoid that it gets much worse.

If you prefer the natural before the commercial, we explain step by step how to prepare these incredible 5 homemade masks with clarifying effect:

1. Lemon mask:

Lemon is a citrus fruit rich in many vitamins, the best known being vitamin C. For this reason it offers an important regulation in the production of melanin (substance of the skin that takes care of ultraviolet rays and causes pigmentation).

In addition to this lemon is an important source of citric acid, known to promote cell regeneration. Squeeze a lemon, and apply its juice in the affected areas. Place it at night and let it act all night. In the morning remove it with plenty of warm water. Try to remove all the lemon juice from your skin, because if it comes into contact with the sun’s rays it can generate even more serious spots.

2. Homemade preparation of aloe vera (aloe vera) and lemon:

Aloe vera is famous for having many benefits for the health of the skin, among them it’s lightening and moisturizing effect. For this you will need the pulp or crystal of a penca of aloe vera (aloe vera), the juice of 1/2 lemon and 1 tablespoon of milk.

To obtain the pulp you must wash and peel the aloe vera penca well, in a container join all the ingredients until you obtain a soft and crystalline consistency. Apply to the affected areas of your skin and let it act overnight. In the morning remove the mask rinsing with plenty of water. Then perform your facial hygiene as usual.

3. Baking soda paste:

This salt offers many benefit for the body, among them its incredible lightening action on the skin. In a container insert 2 tablespoons of baking soda and add a few drops of lemon, until you notice a reaction producing some bubbles. Then apply the mask on the affected areas and let it act for 30 minutes. After time remove the mixture from your face rinsing with warm water. Perform 3 or 4 times a week for quick results.

4. Magnesia milk mask and yogurt:

You will need 2 tablespoons of magnesia milk and 2 tablespoons of natural yogurt. Mix both products and add a few drops of coconut oil to the mixture. Stir tightly until you get a smooth mixture. Then apply the mask to the skin of your face and neck, and let it act for 40 minutes. Once that time has passed, remove the mixture by rinsing with plenty of warm water. Make this mask every night before sleeping for 1 or 2 weeks until you get the desired results.

5. Rose mask:

This flower is famous for its excellent benefits for the skin.

Ingredients necessary for this preparation:

  • 1 tablespoon glycerin.
  • 5 rose petals.
  • almond oil.
  • 1 tablespoon sunflower seeds.


Put the petals in a pot with 1 cup and 1/2 of water. Once it boils, remove from the heat and let it cool. Grind sunflower seeds. Then join all the ingredients in a container, and stir until you get a mixture of smooth consistency. Then apply a thick layer of the mask over the skin of your face and let it act for 30 minutes. After the lapse of time remove with plenty of water. Performed 2 times a week.

In addition to trying these natural solutions to obtain a lightening effect, you can learn more treatments to achieve healthy skin, reading the beauty section.


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