Prepare a homemade exfoliant to eliminate cellulite


It is not easy to eliminate the bad metabolization of fats, but with this homemade scrub of mint and coffee you will say goodbye to cellulite and you can get the skin of your legs and thighs to look more firmly.

Homemade exfoliant to treat cellulite

These are the ingredients you need to make the mint and coffee scrub that will help you eliminate cellulite.


This companion of our mornings and afternoons is the natural product that will bring us benefits in the area of beauty. Thanks to its components, it will help us to improve the appearance of our skin; the sandy structure of the coffee allows us to do a good body massage. A safe ingredient as it helps to eliminate cellulite in two ways: drinking it and using it topically. Remember: the coffee you should choose for this occasion is the normal one; not decaffeinated coffee.

Peppermint oil

Among the essential oils to eliminate cellulite, peppermint oil is one of the most effective. It activates metabolism and stimulates circulation. If we are not friends of the cold, you can change the essence of mint for the essence of ginger or cinnamon, as they will give you a feeling of warmth and a similar result. It is necessary to use an essential oil that is pure.

Vegetable oil

The role of vegetable oil is to nourish the skin in a deep way, providing vitamins and minerals to the body. As a recommendation, you can dilute the essential oils so as not to irritate the skin thanks to its high concentration power. The goal of these home remedies to eliminate cellulite is to get an elastic skin, without stretch marks; the oil we select is essential because when exfoliating the skin, at the same time, it needs to hydrate.


  • 5 tablespoons of coffee (50 grams).
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil (can be olive oil, coconut, almonds, lavender, and sesame among others).
  • 15 drops of peppermint essential oil.

Method of preparation

We will mix the vegetable oil of our preference with peppermint oil. Mix the coffee very well and then place it in an airtight bag in the freezer.

How should it be applied?

To use this exfoliant you must do it while taking a bath; you take it out of the bag because when it freezes it becomes more or less like an exfoliating stone. In a circular shape, you will massage the affected areas with an average pressure; it is advisable to do it on moist skin for a few minutes and then remove it with plenty of water. As a tip, you can do the exfoliation twice a week and you will see the positive results on your skin.

The exfoliating stone can be stored in the freezer as long as you want.

Tips for being less prone to cellulite

If you don’t want to have more cellulite in your body, you need to change your lifestyle, starting with food.

  • Reduces the consumption of carbohydrates (refined flours), glucose, fats; On the contrary, it increases the consumption of cereals and vegetables, since it will favor us to eliminate adipose tissue.
  • Stay hydrated, especially on an empty stomach and away from meals.
  • Exercise at least twice a week. Try not to sit for many hours.
  • If you smoke and/or drink alcoholic beverages, it’s time to take it out of your life.

Now that you know these methods, do not hesitate to apply them, since you will get an intense exfoliation that will not only help reduce cellulite, but will also stimulate the circulation of the legs.


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