The beards you should wear if your face is oval


As it happens with the haircut and also with the way to use the mustache or the length of the sideburns; the use of the beard must also obey the physiognomic characteristics that we have.

Each face has very particular characteristics, which make it unique and unrepeatable.

The different styles you use of hair, the mustache, the sideburns, and the beard and in short; all facial hair, must attend to those characteristics to achieve a correct and aesthetic appearance.

There are different types of faces and each one is assigned an appropriate style, if what you want is to enhance their attributes and disguise their affections.

Therefore, there are proposals for haircuts and modalities for the use of the beard; that they fulfill this task fully, as long as the person conforms to their specifications.

What is the beard that most favors my face?

Both physiognomists and stylists agree on one point:

The most effective formula to guide you when choosing the style of beard that you intend to use and that best favors you, is the one that best suits the physiognomy of your face.

Regardless of the shape or length you decide to wear the beard, the shape of your face will be decisive for it to make you look great. Although all the shapes of the face are harmonious and symmetrical, there is no doubt that they all do not lend equally the same style or cut of the beard.

Styles that favor an oval face

The first thing you should always keep in mind is that, in general terms, the oval-shaped face is the type of face that is most aesthetic.

The reason that supports the above consideration is that the type of oval face is ideal for the harmonious proportion that it entails between its different angles.

It turns out to be a fairly balanced type of face, whose distance between the nose and the chin is a little less than the result of the division into three; of the sum of the total distance from the face.

This is because it has a perfect balance between the long and short and the narrow and wide, of the dimensions of the face.

Therefore, this beard is very easy to model without meriting the use of very pronounced angles to make it striking.

The oval face is a type of feature that is very striking to stylists, because it allows them to have a reference to take into account; when men with other face shapes request a particular style.

They always try to make both the face and the beard as oval as possible, with softened angles and not too rigid lengths and widths, which help harmonize all the rest of the factions.

Since, symmetrically speaking, oval faces are the most desirable, men with this type of physiognomy have the particular advantage that virtually any style of beard suits them; with minimal levels of risk of affecting this symmetry.

One could try to wear, for example, the beard quite bushy on the sides and well trimmed at the bottom. It will surely be equally well perceived to risk using it with the sides much shorter, although of a longer length.

In both cases, what you do have to be especially careful about is that the cuts are not going to be made at very marked angles. Taking a little care of this small detail, you will discover that practically all styles will lend you wonderfully.

Men, who have this type of face, will also look great if they decide to wear a fairly long and complete beard; although they must take the forecasts to trim it regularly and thus avoid that it is too populated and the face looks much more oval than normal.

Although those who have the virtue of possessing an oval face can afford to be able to wear almost any style of beard, there is one style in particular that suits them very well: the three-day beard.

This style favors the symmetry of the face, as long as the volume of the same is not abused.



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