10 effective tricks to delay wrinkles


When people begin to age it is normal for wrinkles to appear in the body, a natural process in which the skin becomes drier, less elastic and thinner. This aesthetic problem occurs due to the lack of collagen that serves to provide elasticity and shape to the skin, also provides support to the blood vessels that cross it.

How to delay wrinkles in a short time?

To combat the appearance of these lines of expression and grooves on the face, hands, arms and neck it is not necessary to spend too much, there are effective tricks to delay wrinkles that can provide good results in a short time.

Change sheets frequently

Wrinkles can also appear when the skin is being crushed, stretched or pushed because of the sheets or by the mattress itself. In some cases people have the bad habit of sleeping with their face embedded against the pillow which causes the skin to be lowered by it. To avoid this problem it is best to replace the pillowcases made of cotton with a silk or satin one. The latter is a type of fabric that prevents the skin from bending or wrinkled.

Replace coffee with cocoa

The consumption of cocoa helps to delay wrinkles thanks to its high content of antioxidants and vitamin E. Both properties help to develop the creation of collagen, a substance that provides elasticity to the complexion. To have a healthier and younger appearance on the skin it is necessary to replace coffee with cocoa, which can be used in various ways, can be prepared as a drink, for example, and can be used for meal preparation or to make chocolate?

Consume foods rich in antioxidants

To delay wrinkles in the body you need to consume foods rich in antioxidants and vitamins C and E. In this way the skin can be protected from deterioration caused by the oxidation of free radicals related to the damage of the same. For this case there is a variety of fruits and vegetables that can provide excellent results such as spinach, broccoli, blueberries, nuts, salmon, flaxseed, fatty fish, among other beneficial foods that you can choose to add to your diet.

Avoid UV exposure

To avoid wrinkles on the skin at an early age, it is recommended not to be exposed to the sun at noon, when the rays are intense. If you want to leave home at noon the right thing to do is to wear sunglasses, a wide-brimmed hat and clothes that cover your arms. Studies add that a person who protects himself from ultraviolet rays can remember the appearance of wrinkles in the body.

Drink water every day

This is one of the best effective methods to combat wrinkles. It is simple to prepare and effective as it helps to give shine, softness and hydration to the skin, making it look younger. For this reason it is recommended to consume at least eight glasses of water a day to have a fresh face and have stable health. Scientific research adds that water can keep the body active and therefore delay premature aging.

Exercise daily

It has been proven that exercise is the best ally to combat premature aging and wrinkles of the hands and body. For those who are not used to physical activities it is recommended to walk 30 to 40 minutes every day about 4 times a week. In this way you can notice results in a short time, without having to spend in a gym or in devices of high price, it is also necessary to add that the exercises offer the possibility of cleaning the body of toxins through sweat and the start-up of the organism, in this way you can also treat indirectly, the problems that often make the skin look in a bad state.

Incorporate carrots into meals

Carrots have antioxidant properties and vitamin A, excellent for delaying wrinkles on the face, arms, neck, among other regions of the body. To solve this problem you do not need to spend money on expensive products or go through the operating room, there are natural ingredients like this vegetable that can help, adding to a weekly balanced diet.

Taking care of expressions

For many people this can be a difficult habit to modify, but it is necessary to avoid folds in the face and the famous crow’s feet. You need to be in front of a mirror to observe all the expressions that are made frequently without noticing it, for example, some tend to raise their eyes by wrinkling the forehead, what they do not know is that they can favor intact wrinkles that are difficult to transform.

Avoid cigars

Tobacco use can cause various types of cancer in the skin and body. It has been proven that a person who smokes constantly contributes not only to the development of this disease but also to premature wrinkles on the face. Specialists add that this occurs because the smoke impairs the production of collagen, which makes the skin feel dry and dull. Avoiding this bad habit can not only improve health, but delay the lines in the body.

Apply natural creams

The skin needs to be constantly hydrated with natural products that can give it the required softness and firmness. Nowadays there are effective creams that can be used to delay skin wrinkles. Vegetables, fruits and the natural benefits of honey and olive oil may be the best option to make creams at home without spending a fortune. You could also learn how to make an ointment to treat wrinkles.


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