Which makeup base is ideal for dry skin?


The facial base is a key and fundamental element for your look to be perfect. Experts in this industry often explain that without the makeup base it is not possible to achieve a result that is professional.

This cosmetic is a fundamental basic to make the skin look an even tone, hide imperfections, give a smooth appearance and, in addition, is responsible for ensuring that the makeup is maintained for much longer in perfect condition, with these characteristics it must be very clear why it is important that it is not missing among your basics when it comes to getting cute.

The large number of products that you can find in the different stores is infinite, of all brands, colors and textures, which could hinder which makeup base is the one that goes with you the most, especially if you have some kind of particularity such as being the carrier of a dry skin type, which definitely requires a particular and special treatment so that you can wear it in its best condition, but you should not worry because we will give you the guidelines to choose the best for your skin type.

Today we explain which makeup base is ideal for dry skin, so that when you go shopping you choose the product that goes with you the most, with your skin type and needs, so that you look dazzling on every occasion of the day to day.

Which makeup base is ideal for dry skin?

In shops you will easily find facial bases that are marked for dry skin type, but you must also make sure that these bases are of good quality, of a recognized brand, are free of alcohol, contain some vitamin and even are regenerating.

And it is that dry skin tends to constantly need moisturizing and regeneration to stay in its best state, and the base is essential to achieve this since it is a product that stays on your face all day, in addition to it is essential that it is hypoallergenic.

BB creams

Nowadays it has gained great relevance among girls around the world, a product called BB cream, which has gained acceptance among women, and all thanks to the incredible properties and characteristics it brings to the skin of girls once they start using it in their day to day.

If you do not know that it is a BB Cream or you had even heard it named, we tell you that it is a product in which the characteristics of a moisturizer, sunscreen and facial base are combined, it is a kind of all-in-one that is responsible for covering the most important needs of a face in general, especially if it has a tendency to be dry or dry at certain times.

The BB cream does not offer as much coverage as a facial base, which is great, because it is responsible for nuance your face, giving it an even tone and covering imperfections, but without giving it that appearance of being too make-up or false appearance, in addition to ceasing to be a light formula that allows your pores to breathe and thus prevent them from becoming clogged, which guarantees that your skin will be free of pimples, blackheads and acne.

Another advantage of the BB cream is that it includes sunscreen, which makes it ideal to look like even if you are outdoors, since it keeps you protected from the harmful rays of the sun that generate premature aging, spots and even skin cancer.

Tips for caring for dry skin

Definitely having dry skin needs you to be constantly aware of your dermis, especially to verify that it is hydrated, regenerated and protected from external factors.

For these reasons it is essential that, at least once a week, you apply a special face mask so that you keep it in an optimal state.

It is also essential that you include in your diet more fruits, vegetables, proteins and quality fats, such as avocado and fish. As well as consuming vitamin E this will help your skin be in its best possible condition throughout your life.


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