Uses of yogurt for face masks


The work, the problems, the rush, all that stress and tiredness is accumulating in our body and it is inevitable that it will end up reflecting on the skin of our face. To return to have a face that transmits health, today we want to show you the different uses of yogurt for face masks and what are its benefits to have a bright and healthy skin.

Benefits for Yogurt Skin

Yogurt, used in face masks, helps soften the skin of the face thanks to the lactic acid it contains. In addition, this acid allows removing dead skin from the face so we also fight aging.

Other uses of yogurt for face masks are those that seek to reduce the fine spots and wrinkles of our skin because yogurt acts on the surface layers of the epidermis as an exfoliant.

If you are one of those who does not try natural yogurt because its taste disprelishes you, you can use it as a natural cosmetic taking into account these uses of yogurt for face masks that we talk about today.
Remember that first of all it is important to wash the skin of your face well with water to help it better absorb the properties of yogurt masks.

Uses of yogurt for face masks

The easiest use of yogurt as a face mask is to apply it directly on the face and neck, leaving it to act about twenty minutes. Due to its rather liquid texture you can take advantage of this time to lie down and relax while this natural product acts on our skin. Then, wash with cold water.

Yogurt-based wrinkle face masks

These face masks can be used daily on the skin of your face to combat those wrinkles sign of the passage of time.
You need to mix a plain yogurt, with a tablespoon of fennel seed coffee with another of crushed fennel leaves. Apply the mask on the face allowing acting 20 minutes to remove it with warm water.

Face masks to moisturize the skin based on yogurt and honey

With a simple tablespoon of honey and a plain yogurt, we will achieve great benefits for our skin. After mixing the ingredients apply them generously on the skin of our face and neck, and let act about ten minutes. Then wash with water. We can apply this yogurt face mask twice a week.

Face masks to soften the skin based on a Greek yogurt and turmeric powder

You should use the natural Greek yogurt variety. In this case a mask is made with more density than the previous ones because of the type of yogurt used. To make the mask, mix two tablespoons of yogurt and 1/4 of a teaspoon of turmeric coffee. Apply on the neck and face, let act for 15 to 20 minutes and remove with warm water.



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