The 4 most modern types of beards


Everyone is on the lookout for the ideal beard for their face. Since this fashion made its irruption again in our society, a great variety of styles and trends have emerged that adapt to the perspectives of each one.

Since its implementation, it has become the most important detail in the appearance of men; they want to offer a more modern look.

The beard is the ideal tool for those who want to wear seemingly carefree looks, although deep down they have taken care of the location of even the last hair before going out into the world.

For this reason, to serve as a guide to these irreverent of fashion, the four most relevant trends of this fashion that is here to stay will be described below:

Corporate type beard

This is the most appreciated type of beard and the most widespread use, as it covers a good proportion of the skin and is the ideal one to wear in the office.

To grow in the right way, on average it will take at least two months depending on the genetics of each one

If you intend to project a formal air, you must keep what is the line of the cheeks and the neck trimmed so that you give a professional air. If it is in your genes to be able to generate a more stuffed beard, this type of corporate beard is your best alternative.

The corporate beard lends wonder to those men who have a kind of triangular face, because it blurs attention on the entire face and not just on the chin; being also suitable for those oval faces.

Among the group of celebrities who have adopted this style of beard, we can mention the former host of the Daily Show, Jon Stewart; who wore this type of beard in his retirement. So does another former TV host, David Letterman, although he’s grown a little more since then.

Balbo-style beard

Balbo has gradually become one of the most sought-after styles of beard today.

It is a beard sectioned into three parts, which results in a mustache in combination with a knob on the bottom of the lip, which depending on the stylist, could perfectly lengthen.

Among the celebrities who have opted for this alternative we cannot fail to mention Robert Downey Jr., who has practically become an overwhelming icon of this trend; symbolizing what the Balbo style wants to represent: A daring man, interesting and with a lot of self-confidence.

If you want to adopt the Balbo style, you must let the beard grow and then give it shape. You should refrain from shaving for at least 4 weeks, or at least until your beard has grown enough. It is important to let the mustache grow as well.

Beard style 3 days

It is the style that entails less complications, since it is only necessary to perceive something shaded; by stopping shaving for three or four days.

This beard offers the advantage of looking very good on almost all types of face, giving a manly appearance, without appearing scruffy.

What are deprived here are the details. If you are one of those who grow hair on the cheeks, you have to shave it as you do daily to not lose the look. Likewise, you can shave the hair from the neck area, leaving the beard only up to Adam’s nut.

Hipster Beard

It’s the most casual trend of all, although many girls find it particularly sexy. This style has the particularity of fusing in a single proposal the elegance and the casualness, resulting in a very sexy look that is capturing the taste of the female population. The Hipster look is achieved by allowing long and thick hair to grow, without you having to shave for at least 6 weeks; so that we can have enough length to start modeling it.

When reaching an appropriate length, it should be cut at the height of the collarbone. As it grows, it must be adjusted with appropriate cuts so that it maintains its shape. This style requires that the mustache also grow, until it falls on both sides of the lips.



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