Tag: skin

Homemade preparations with garlic that can help you rejuvenate the skin of the face and eliminate wrinkles in a short period of time. Try this combination of natural ingredients and say goodbye to chemicals. Companies are producing many products that promise to eliminate wrinkles, fine lines and other skin defects...
The facial base is a key and fundamental element for your look to be perfect. Experts in this industry often explain that without the makeup base it is not possible to achieve a result that is professional. This cosmetic is a fundamental basic to make the skin look an even tone, hide imperfections,...
The skin of your face requires special care to stay healthy and beautiful. It is very important to adapt the care and maintenance for the skin in general, but it must be special for the skin of the face, since it is in constant exposure to external factors especially...
Papaya is more than a delicious and healthy snack. It can be used as a beauty and skin care ingredient as well. Unknown to many people, it offers many benefits for your skin. For a resplendent skin we recommend these 10 masks with papaya that are easy to make and offer...
Do you suffer from oily or oily skin? There are many of us who suffer from this, and it is a very common disorder. People with oily skin have an over product in the sebaceous glands that are found in the dermis (the inner layer of the skin) and are responsible...
The skin, referred to as the tegumentary system, is the body's first line of defense. It establishes a barrier between the environment and the body fluids, muscles, organs and tissues that make up the human body. Because she is exposed and constantly attacked by rubbing, rubbing and laceration, skin...
Its scientific name is hyperpigmentation, but it manifests itself as dark spots on the skin, it is one of the most common skin alterations. Its appearance is due to an imbalance of cells called melanocytes, which are responsible for producing dark pigmentation. Most cases are mild and in a matter of days...
There are several types of skin, and each has specific characteristics, on which depends its hygiene and care. Oily skin is characterized by its excessive production of sebum, due to hyperactivity on the part of the sebaceous glands of the skin. It manifests itself with more intensity in some areas...
Some of us already know about the beauty benefits of rice. But had you heard about rice soap to enhance your beauty or lighten your skin? Well, in Asian countries, rice is considered an amazing source that can make you more beautiful. If folklore stories are something to consider,...
Mineral makeup is the best type of makeup that can be used for the skin, since it provides the benefits of minerals and is a natural product, including the fact that they do not clog pores, is compatible with those who have sensitive and irritable skin, does not leave dry and...

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