How to clean face stains with parsley


After turning 30, some women begin to put on makeup because their complexion begins to deteriorate due to several factors. The sun, diets, stresses, all of that is processed differently by our body than when you’re a teenager or you’re in your twenties. Hormones also, due to some of these factors, begin to manifest internal as well as external imbalances, and spots of the face begin to appear that come out on the upper lip, cheekbones, forehead and chin. These spots can begin to cover the face, sometimes without even being pregnant.

Parsley to detoxify liver, organ that causes spots on the face

Some try every possible remedy and treatment to fade stains: crystal scrubs, whitening formulas, commercial beauty products full of strong chemicals that even, if not well used, tend to darken the stains more.

However today, holistic medicine recommends a very effective natural method and that is parsley tea. According to natural medicine, spots on the face can be a sign of liver malfunction, and parsley is ideal for detoxifying the kidneys and liver.

Parsley contains vitamins that increase immunity (C and A) and is a powerful antioxidant. In fact, many spas use parsley for skin treatments because vitamin C not only nourishes the skin, reduces scarring and blemishes and stimulates collagen production, which is the key to cell reproduction and repair.

How to clean face stains with parsley?

For the next 30 days you will prepare some parsley tea twice a day, before breakfast and dinner. The flat-leaf parsley (Italian) is more aromatic and less bitter than the curly type, and this will be our parsley to use.

  • Soak the parsley in water with a splash of vinegar.
  • Wrap in a towel and store in the fridge.
  • Put boiling water in a container.
  • Put 1/4 cup of parsley in a cup or kettle.
  • Pour boiling water, let stand for 5-6 minutes.
  • Add some fresh lemon (optional).

In a month, with all these cups of parsley tea (always freshly made, to preserve vitamins and minerals); your face already has to show significant changes. You should know that in addition to tea, you must follow a diet with healthy, liver-friendly foods, and have a routine of exercises or activities that best fits your lifestyle to break with stress, worries and bad times. Try to keep the peace.



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