Home remedies for spots on the face


The problem with spots on the face usually has an origin that can be really very diverse: from pigmentation problems, through liver problems, lupus, to an occasional issue.

Detect the causes of spots on the face

Ideally, you should consult a dermatologist to find out what is behind the spots on your face. Anyway, these home remedies are usually widely used to combat dark spots, white and red, as well as spots on the face by acne ay that help cleanse the face.

Homemade recipes to remove spots on the face

Although homemade recipes with natural ingredients don’t act as quickly and effectively as a treatment with industrial face creams, it’s worth experimenting with some of the many homemade recipes for removing stains on the face. With patience and perseverance we will see the results after one to three months.

Home remedies with aloe vera for stains

From now on, aloe vera or aloe vera is usually one of the ingredients that most appear within the remedies for spots on the face. Its effect on the skin is very good and can be used, for example, in a mask with lemon.

Precisely, lemon is usually one of the most effective plants for face spots. In addition to using it directly on the affected areas, you can use it in a mask with oats (another great ingredient for this kind of problems).

Cucumber mask to remove dark spots

This homemade mask works very well for all skin types, and is very easy to perform since it only has two ingredients:

  1. A tablespoon of honey.
  2. 1 cucumber.

Instructions: Grate the cucumber or put it in a blender, then mix both ingredients to form a viscous paste, you can add a few drops of lemon. You should apply it for about 15 to 20 minutes, and then remove it by washing your face with cold water. This home remedy is very effective in reducing dark spots naturally.

Oxygenated water to whiten the face

Oxygenated water has a great bleaching power and stain remover. For this we wet a small piece of cotton in oxygenated water and touch just once or twice the spots on the face, wetting them slightly. If we do this every night before bedtime, depending on how dark the spot is, we will see results after a week or two.

Whitening cream

A homemade whitening cream can be prepared by mixing two teaspoons of powdered milk, about 20 drops of oxygenated water and only 2 drops of glycerin. It should form a kind of creamy paste that we apply once a day in the area you want to bleach.

For brown spots on the face

Another is prepared by mixing a tablespoon of lemon juice, one of apple cider vinegar and one of water. Apply at night. Special care should be taken with all skin creams and lotions containing lemon or vinegar. These ingredients are photosensitive and can be harmful to the skin if exposed to sunlight. That’s why the app is always indicated at night.

Oatmeal and lemon for white face spots

Both ingredients can have a great action on the skin, so it should not be noticeable that this trick gives good results.


  • A tablespoon of ground rolly oats.
  • A few drops of lemon juice.


Mix both ingredients until they are perfectly integrated. Then you will only have to apply this home remedy for stains on the face in the affected area.

It is convenient to do it with the complexion well clean, massaging the affected area well and letting this mixture act for 5 or more minutes (the more, the better). It is recommended to rinse with warm water, repeat the treatment twice a week and, at the end of each application, use a cream high in vitamin E.


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