Effective remedies to treat dark elbows


Dark elbows are a very common reality as are spots on the knees or dark areas.  Therefore, it should not be a cause for distress to have dark elbows and to prevent you from wearing your favorite short-sleeved dresses. Most women are always looking for ways to get less dark elbows and also lighten their knees.

The appearance of dark elbows is usually caused by the constant abrasion of the skin of the elbows, causing those areas to darken. But don’t worry; these natural remedies will help you leave your beautiful and attractive elbows with a renewed appearance.

Remedies for dark elbows

So here are the best home remedies for dark elbows, easy to use and cheap, you are sure to leave your elbows just again!

1. Baking soda:

The chemical composition of baking soda works very well in exfoliating the skin of the elbows. Baking soda, combined with the gentle qualities of moisturizing milk, makes this blend extremely potent. Milk also offers benefits and works to heal the dark areas of the elbows.

Use a tablespoon of baking soda and mix it with an equal amount of milk. Rub this creamy mixture over the elbows and knees. Then you must wash it. To achieve better results, repeat this process every 2 days.

2. Turmeric:

Turmeric has been used for its healing properties for the skin. Any paste containing turmeric works very well as a solution for whitening or exfoliating the skin. However it is not advisable to have turmeric paste on the skin for a long time as it can stain it, giving an effect contrary to what is desired.

If it happens that you see a spot on your skin, do not worry, it will disappear in a couple of days. The most popular option is to mix turmeric with high-fat milk. This cream is applied on the elbows for a few minutes and then should be washed with soap. Repeat this a few times a week for optimal results.

3. Honey is a balm for dark elbows:

Honey acts as a natural balm for the dark skin of the elbows. It also provides natural antibiotic properties. You can apply pure honey to your elbows to reduce darkness, but you should keep in mind that this will take time. The best option is to mix a generous tablespoon of honey with turmeric and milk in equal parts. Then, apply this paste over the dark areas of the elbows and knees and wait a half hour, then wash with warm water. Do this once a week for best results. You can also mix honey with Aloe Vera in the same pattern as mentioned above.

4. Grated lemon:

The simplest and easiest home remedies to apply for dark elbows are lemon. Cut a large lemon in half and then each side of the lemon at each elbow. Rub each half over the elbow. Repeat this process every day for a week or two and you will see impressive results.

5. Lemon and sugar:

Lemon combined with the exfoliating properties of sugar granules is a great home remedy for dark elbows. Mix a teaspoon of lemon juice with the same amount of sugar and rub this on your elbows with slow, circular movements for a few minutes. Then you should wash with soap and warm water, your elbows will feel sticky and uncomfortable all day. However, you will notice how they have been naturally bleached.

6. Flour and lemon:

As you can see, to get whiter elbows, lemons are great allies of natural beauty. Another possible combination with the use of lemon is to mix a tablespoon of lemon with equal parts of flour. Rub this paste over dark elbows and knees and leave on for a few minutes before washing. It will provide immediate results.

7. Flour and yogurt:

Cornmeal can behave like a natural exfoliant while yogurt is high in antioxidants and acts as natural skin whitening. Mix flour and yogurt in equal parts to make a thick paste and apply it on the elbows. You should leave it for about ten minutes and then wash with soap and warm water. Repeat this process a few days each week for better results.

8. Cocoa butter and shea butter:

Cocoa butter or shea butter is easily available in any store. These can easily remove any darkening of the skin and will help moisturize the hard skin of the elbows as well.


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