How to use aspirin to remove facial spots and acne marks


It is well known that aspirin acts as an analgesic, which since it was invented in 1853 has been responsible for soothing pain and has reduced fevers. In addition, it acts as an anti-coagulant, recommended for people suffering from cardiovascular problems. But, it doesn’t just have those properties that we’re well acquainted with. Aspirin can be used to make a face mask that will help you reduce the appearance of scars, wrinkles and acne marks. You may already be wondering, how to use aspirin to remove spots from your face and treat acne marks.

Before offering some effective ways to achieve this, we want to explain that the results can be noticeable even after a single use, however this depends on the type of brand and the way the body responds to it.

Benefits of Aspirin on the Skin

We have several confirmed reasons that incline us to the use of aspirin for the purpose of renewing the beauty of the skin.

  1. The first reason we have is that as one of the effects it produces is anti-inflammatory, it considerably decreases acne, even when it occurs on a large scale.
  2. On the other hand, aspirin contains a component known as beta-hydroxyl acid. Large cosmetics companies that manufacture creams and exfoliating products that help lighten and cleanse the skin use fat-soluble substance. If you want to wear a perfect face, this special ingredient can help you get it.
  3. And a third reason is that aspirin has a very characteristic effect of it: healing. This is convenient to help correct the skin if it has undergone some kind of considerable feature change due to acne or any other external injury.

So you can notice that you have at your fingertips to enjoy all the benefits to look a young and more beautiful skin in full view of everyone. Take advantage of these advantages.

How to prepare aspirin?

Next, we want to offer you a variety of aspirin mask preparation options for acne, as well as aspirin mask for spots that you can use to keep your facial skin cared for; you can choose the one that best suits you:

Aspirin and honey mask


  • 5 crushed aspirins.
  • 1 tablespoon natural yogurt.
  • 2 teaspoons of honey.


Wash your face with a gentle cleanser and then dry. Moisten a clean cloth with water; place it in the microwave for 15 to 30 seconds. Place the heated wipe over the face for 10 minutes, and then dry it. Thus, you will open the pores to absorb the goodness of the mask.

Mode of application:

Apply the mask to your face and leave it for 30 minutes. Rinse with cold water, dry it and apply the moisturizer you like the most.

Aspirin mask with lemon


  • 3 aspirins.
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice (30 ml).


Soak the aspirins in the lemon juice and crush them until you get a thick paste.

Mode of application:

Apply the mixture on the clean face and let it act for 10 minutes.

Exfoliating mask with aspirin


  • 3 aspirin pills.
  • 3 teaspoons warm water (30 ml).


Soak the aspirin tablets in the warm water until they soften and then crush them until you get a creamy (pasty) consistency.

Mode of application:

First, cleanse the complexion well and then apply it with gentle and circular massages. Leave the homemade cream on the face for 5 to 10 min and then rinse the face very well. Repeat the procedure about 2 times each week if you have a skin or oily and 1 time if it is dry.

Recommendations on how to use aspirin to remove facial spots and acne marks

  • Wear the mask overnight before bedtime to allow the skin to rest and rejuvenate.
  • If you have sensitive skin, we recommend seeing a dermatologist before wearing this mask.
  • To check for the allergic reaction, first, place the mask on a small area of your skin first.
  • Use sun screen on your face every morning, because your skin will be more sensitive to the sun.

With these recommendations to know how to use aspirin to remove spots on the face and reverse acne marks, we hope you enjoy all its advantages.


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