Itching in your armpits and what it can say about your health


Itching in the armpits is a very common problem, which can be due to a wide variety of different causes, some more complex than others. What is true is that this condition can say a lot about health and how you deal with this situation will make the difference between improvement and uncontrolled itching.

The itching in the skin, whatever the part of the body is a sufficient reason to attend a dermatologist since, after a few days, the quality of life will be totally altered and ends up being a very irritable situation, this without taking into account that it can be a reason for infection.

The armpits are one of the most sensitive areas of the body and at the same time are constantly exposed to many factors that can promote this condition. To start fighting itching, you must consider the cause of the armpit itching and how to act as the case may be. If the condition persists for several days it is necessary to go quickly to the doctor to avoid a further risk of infection.

What may be telling us the itching in the armpits?

Before wanting to make use of any home remedy or medication to treat armpit itching, it is important to know the direct cause of this very annoying condition, since it may be indicating something about our health that is being overlooked. Some of the most common causes are:

  • Cosmetic products, fabrics or foods: you must observe what is causing the allergy, be it some synthetic material, some deodorant of new use or some foods that can generate such a reaction. In this case the body is telling us that we should opt for products that are not toxic to our body; therefore it begins to discard them and tries to use natural products.
  • Hair removal: Infections in this delicate area usually occur at the time of hair removal, as it is an invasive process. Some ingrown hair can be the cause of swelling and itching, which could become a long-term infection in the worst case.
  • Fungi in the armpits: candidiasis in armpits can form because of moisture; synthetic fabrics do not absorb the normal perspiration of this area so it can increase the risk of fungi. Avoiding sweating too much or wearing appropriate clothing can help improve the situation and prevent it.
  • Diseases: Itching of the armpits is also caused by more serious diseases, such as chickenpox, psoriasis, kidney failure, scabies, Hodgkin’s disease and obstruction of bile ducts.
  • Dry skin: having dry skin can be due to various reasons and is a common cause of itching. This could cause an armpit rash and become unwell if not treated properly.
  • Medications: finally, if the itching appears when you start taking any medication, this could be the cause and it is important to go to the doctor.

Presenting this condition can be common and happens to all people at some point, but if you do not act immediately, applying the right treatments, it can become a more delicate situation and compromise the state of health.

Natural remedies to treat itching in the armpits

These natural remedies can benefit the skin, eliminating itching in a short time, and preventing them from re-irritating the skin.

Aloe vera

Among the natural remedies, there is Aloe vera, one of the natural remedies widely used to treat multiple skin conditions, although it is one of the most used, like castor oil, there are other remedies that are a very good solution to treat armpit irritation.

Baking soda

Perform a bath of baking soda applying a ratio of 3:1 (Bicarbonate: water), is one of the remedies that can help solve this problem in irritated or parched armpits. It is necessary to let act for a time of 30 minutes and not rinse the area, only dry delicately and let the mixture make its effect.

Desinflaming herbs

There are many herbs such as rosemary, mint, basil, chamomile, alfalfa, among others, whose deflating properties are very well valued, although not everyone is aware of these. Make an infusion of any of these herbs mentioned above and apply cold on the armpit area.


Making a paste of water and oatmeal in a 1:2 ratio, can help relieve the discomfort caused by itching. It should be applied to the skin and left to act for several minutes. Oatmeal is part of the main ingredients of beauty products today, thanks to its vitamins and minerals, this cereal in its version of oatmeal, can help you soothe skin irritation and also provide you with many other benefits.

Shea butter

It is an African fruit whose properties are perfect to treat this health problem. This shea butter is highly recommended after an armpit hair removal, because it helps to relax and moisturize the skin, thus relieving the possible irritation that usually appears after a hair removal.



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