Homemade masks for oily skin


There are several types of skin, and each has specific characteristics, on which depends its hygiene and care. Oily skin is characterized by its excessive production of sebum, due to hyperactivity on the part of the sebaceous glands of the skin. It manifests itself with more intensity in some areas than in others, resulting in the well-known ‘T zone’, an area comprised of the forehead, nose and chin.

The cleansing and hydration of this type of skin is very important to keep the complexion hydrated. There are many commercial products on the market aimed at cleaning this type of skin, however, natural products are our best allies when it comes to taking care of the skin of our face.

Masks for oily skin

For this reason, we explain the benefits and how to prepare step by step some homemade masks for oily skin and how to avoid that the presence of sebum ends up causing other health problems on the skin, such as acne, blackheads and pimples.

Potato mask

Boil a potato previously peeled and cut into small pieces, once soft, crush the pieces of potato and mix with two tablespoons of milk, a tablespoon of oatmeal and a few drops of lemon. Mix until you get a homogeneous consistency, and then apply on the skin of your face letting it act for 30 minutes. Once the time has passed, rinse with plenty of warm water until completely removed.


Oatmeal is an extremely moisturizing cereal, which helps a lot to control oily skin. In a cup mix 4 tablespoons of oatmeal with 3 tablespoons of soybean oil (if you do not have the flour prepared you can get it by liquefying oatmeal in flakes). Add a little water as you stir until you get a smooth and even mixture. Then place the mixture on your face after washing it as usual. Let it act for 15 minutes, and finally remove it, rinsing it with plenty of water.

Honey mask

Bee honey has many benefits for the skin. To do this, mix in a container two tablespoons of honey with a tablespoon of wheat germ, heat a few seconds in the microwave until it becomes warm. Then apply a uniform layer over the skin of your face, and let it act for 15 minutes. Finally remove rinsing with enough water.

Rosemary mask

You will need 3 leaves of rosemary, a tablespoon of honey and the yolk of an egg. First you must grind the rosemary leaves, and then join all the ingredients in a container, stirring until you get a soft mixture. Apply a thick layer on your complexion to cover each minimum area, leave it to act for 20 minutes and finally rinse with plenty of water until removed.

Lemon and egg to reduce skin crassity

Mix the juice of half a lemon with the white of a previously beaten egg. Apply the mask to your face and let it act for 15 minutes, and then remove with enough water. Try to apply this mask at night, and not leave any residue on your face or neck, since the lemon if it comes into contact with the rays of the sun, usually generates spots on the skin.

Cucumber mask

Cucumber is an excellent source of vitamins, in addition to being an incredible moisturizer and natural astringent, so it helps a lot to cleanse the impurities of the skin by controlling the amount of fat of the complexion. Peel 1 cucumber and cut it into small pieces, introduce them with the white of 1 egg and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice in the blender.

Process all ingredients until a mixture of homogeneous and smooth consistency is achieved. Apply the mask to your face and let it act for 15 minutes. Finally remove rinsing with plenty of water, and use the caution explained in the previous recipe, by using lemon.

Carrot and honey for oily skin

Both ingredients are excellent for the health of the skin, both its consumption and its external use. Grate 1 carrot and boil in a pot, once cooked mix the carrot zest with 4 teaspoons of honey to form a paste. Apply to your face and let it act for 10 minutes, then remove rinsing with plenty of warm water.

Any of the masks explained above, you can use them daily as a night treatment. We also invite you to know the best homemade masks for all skin types.



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