Types of beard according to the shape of your face


Talking about types of beards is talking about styles, in a world where looking good is no longer just a matter for women. Day after day the trend of letting the beard grow    among men grows, in order to look more manly, improve their physical appearance to be more attractive or simply for fashion or to increase their self-esteem, however, it is important to recognize that not all types of beard serve for each face and therefore you must recognize which is the one that best fits you to maximize your look.

The faces do not have the same shape in one man and another, that is why objects such as sunglasses do not fit well in all men depending on their shape, it also happens with beards, you must identify which is the best style according to the shape of the face, therefore, in this post we bring you the types of beard that can be used depending on the shape that the face has, so you will feel safer to join this fashion without being ridiculous when trying to copy a style that in nothing combines with your physiognomy.

How to choose the ideal type of beard?

Undoubtedly one of the most popular types of beard at this time is to wear the hipster beard style, with a retro touch, highlighting a wild beard and hairstyles for men who look well maintained and rather with short hair.

For elongated faces

This type of face is one of the most delicate when it comes to letting the beard grow because it must be avoided that it makes the face look even more elongated, therefore, the type of beard recommended for this type of men is the short beard with thick sideburns that make the face seem less elongated than usual and more symmetrical before the human eye. The idea is to sign a kind of crescent on the face that prevents it from looking longer than normal.

 Square faces

This case is totally contrary to the previous case, because here the idea is not to prevent the face from being seen longer but to soften the contour of it a little. It is said that the best type of beard for these cases in that of a good length in the area of the chin to then leave lower on the chin. There is the case in which the face is circular and not square, in that case the advice to apply is to use a short beard up to the cheeks and sharpen the beard at the height of the chin.

Other aspects to consider for beard types

The face is not only composed of the shape or contour of it, but factors such as: how pronounced or not are the cheeks of the person who is going to let the beard grow, how much hair is born on the forehead, this for reasons of cutting the pins, which will tend to be wide or not according to the way in which the hair is born on the forehead of the person and finally the neck, since it gives the final finish to the look by influencing in a positive or negative way in the cut that you decide to wear.


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