Tag: treat

Mixed skin may require some different care than oily or dry skin, but dermatological advice and folk remedies can reduce problems caused by very dry or oily skin. While some people only have to worry about excess fat on the skin and others about dryness, those who suffer from mixed...
Eye pain is the puncture sensation, diffuse or pulsatile limited to the eye that can be a representation of involvement of the cornea, of spaces other than the organ itself or of the organism in general. When there is eye pain, the main involvement is of the cornea which is the transparent membrane...
The skin is the most extensive organ of the body that not only has the capacity to house one of our most complex senses such as touch, but is also a site of expression of local and systemic diseases. Over the years the skin has been studied to develop novel...
Women in particular often suffer from heavy and swollen legs at night. Swollen legs can have different causes and at first is not cause for concern. However, if the legs are permanently inflamed, a doctor should be consulted to rule out lipoedema as the cause. Lipoedema is symptoms of fat distribution, also...
Do you suffer from oily or oily skin? There are many of us who suffer from this, and it is a very common disorder. People with oily skin have an over product in the sebaceous glands that are found in the dermis (the inner layer of the skin) and are responsible...
The skin, referred to as the tegumentary system, is the body's first line of defense. It establishes a barrier between the environment and the body fluids, muscles, organs and tissues that make up the human body. Because she is exposed and constantly attacked by rubbing, rubbing and laceration, skin...
Acne is a great discomfort in adolescence, which can also extend to adult life; acne is a problem that affects oily and mixed skin, causing those undesirable lesions on the face mainly. From the superficial to the deepest, the good news is that for every type of mark or scar left...
An itchy scalp is irritating and embarrassing. If you're looking for ways to get rid of itching on your scalp, here are some home remedies that can help. If you tend to have itching on your scalp every time the weather changes, you're not alone. Itching on the scalp is...

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