Tag: beauty

If you are tired of having dry skin without vitality, there are treatments that help counteract those conditions but none compares to beauty treatment with ice. They are remedies that can be found without any setbacks in one's own home, so there are no excuses to catch up. The use of ice as...
There's a lot we don't know about beauty monopolies. They have a lot of secrets that we have no idea about. Almost everyone uses beauty products almost daily, but there are some secret things they'll never want you to know. We spend a lot of money on these types...
We know that collagen is important for our skin and bones, that its lack affects both our bones and our skin, that if we do not produce the necessary amount, our face becomes dull, dull and we begin to look older, then we do know all this, we know...
In Japan, rice is not only one of the main foods, but is also often used as a component for the manufacture of cosmetic products. In order to keep the skin of the face in ideal conditions, Japanese women use a special skin care system – the use of special cleansing oils, and...
It's not spring yet, but you may want to clean your closets a little earlier. While there are many beauty products that do wonders for your well-being, whether they give you soft skin like silk or shiny hair, there are also handfuls that have the potential to cause significant damage or...
The avocado or avocado as it is known in other countries, is a pear-shaped fruit known for its miraculous health and beauty benefits around the world. Native to Mexico, Guam and Central America, this green fleshy fruit has been in the crop since time immemorial. The avocado naturally carries countless...
In addition to being an indispensable utensil in the kitchen, the trick of the spoon to preserve youth and beauty was never easier to perform. With only 10 minutes a day you can preserve youth and beauty with the simple use of the spoon. Advantages of the spoon trick to...
Looking beautiful is not as expensive as they always claim, with very little money you can achieve to improve the physical appearance thanks to the products with beneficial properties for the physical appearance that provides the beloved nature as it is the use of pumpkin to enhance beauty. Among those...
It is nothing new to mention that beauty can extend beyond age when you have good care, both the outer and inner part of the body, so some beauty secrets may be essential to begin to look better. Did you always wonder about the secret behind the shiny locks or...
The next time you boil the rice, think twice before throwing away the water. Rice water is rich in minerals and vitamins that make it fantastic for skin and hair. Asian women have used rice water for centuries to beautify hair, face and skin. Read on to find out how...

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