How to use avocado seed to reduce cellulite


The properties contained in the seed of the avocado are proportional, even more concentrated, than those of the pulp, and are an effective treatment through its application, to reduce cellulite gradually and effectively.

Having orange peel is something very annoying; it is unsightly and prevents us from wearing many outfits that we love because we would expose it. The causes that generate this condition are several, it can be a genetic factor, overweight, bad habits, or an inadequate diet, but once cellulite is deposited in our body, in addition to knowing the cause to try to stop it, we must do something to mitigate it and that is what we will do in this article, we will share some tricks to know how to use avocado seed to reduce cellulite.

Although there are many products on the market that are intended to disappear or stop cellulite, not all are as good and give the expected results or are expensive, there are several ways to make cellulite decrease or disappear and in this article we will tell you how to use it in a correct way to deal with the annoying cellulite.

In addition to the seed of the avocado, the pulp of this fruit also has properties to improve the appearance of the skin, giving shine to the complexion thanks to the fact that the avocado is a fruit rich in fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. This is one of the main ingredients in body creams sold in pharmacies.

How to prepare avocado to treat cellulite?

To make this paste, we only have 3 ingredients easy to acquire, surely you already have them at home, and it is an avocado, oatmeal and olive oil.


  • 1 avocado seed.
  • 2cdas of ground oatmeal or oatmeal.
  • 5cdas of olive oil, you can also opt for other types of oils such as almonds or sunflower.


Split in half the avocado seed, then with the cheese grater on the thicker side begins to grate the seed making it smaller, once you finish, place this zest and oatmeal in a glass container that has an airtight lid, pour the oil into the jar, whisk and lid, take this mixture that should remain as a paste to a dark and dry place and let stand for 3 days, at the end of this time take it to the fridge, do not let it macerate for more than 3 days because it is damaged.

Once the mixture this list you must apply it every night, take a warm bath to open the pores and then massage the areas with cellulite for 10 minutes with the preparation, when finished rinse with a cloth and warm water. It is ideal that you perform the massages in the affected area with cellulite, in a circular way and counterclockwise, with this you will achieve that the skin acquires in a better way the ingredients of this paste.


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