How to make a facial tonic from rice water


Among the grand universe of natural facial tonics we find one of the most popular and easiest to prepare, the facial tonic of rice water. Join us to discover its properties and benefits, and how it is prepared.

For years and years, women in Asian cultures have used rice water as a natural way to cleanse their face.

One of the best properties of rice water is that it is one of the simplest cleaners you can make at home. As long as you have a little rice in your kitchen and a little water running in the sink, and this is always something we have at home.

Properties of the facial tonic of rice water

The facial tonic of rice water has many regenerative and preventive properties, in addition to being an excellent exfoliant, facial cleanser and hypoallergenic; which makes this an excellent and highly recommended tonic for skin care.

You should know that the facial tonic of rice water contains 4-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), used in cosmetic products for skin care and sun protection; vitamins (vitamin B3) and minerals. What makes this facial tonic an excellent natural alternative for various purposes of beauty treatments and skin care in general.

Benefits of facial tonic

The rice water facial tonic serves to cleanse all impurities of the face skin, such as spots left by acne, blackheads, fat, dead skin and other common impurities on the skin of the face. As its name suggests, this natural preparation is a “facial tonic”; it tones the skin of the face due to the instill that rice has in its composition, which helps the regeneration of cells in this area and helps circulation.

How rice water helps?

In addition to being one of the softest and easiest skin cleansing products, rice water contains vitamins such as B1, C, E, as well as minerals, which together can reduce pores, and close, lighten and soften the skin. While left on the skin, rice water is even believed to provide slight protection from the sun.

How to make facial tonic of rice water?

The rice water facial tonic is probably one of the easiest to prepare of all natural facial tonics.


  • 1 cup rice.
  • 1 and a half cup of water.


  • In a bowl pour the rice and water, let stand for 12 hours capped at room temperature.
  • Strain the rice and reserve the liquid.


You can also speed up the preparation by boiling the rice and water, although we recommend the first procedure.
This facial tonic of rice water should be applied with a cotton wool on the entire surface of the face as a moisturizing cream.

Recommendations and other uses:

  1. It is recommended to use distilled water for the preparation of this facial tonic.
  2. This facial tonic is also useful for other parts of the body (hands, arms, neck, legs, elbows etc.), apply it with a spray bottle,
  3. It is also used to tone the hair and give it more shine and softness, as a kind of natural conditioner.
  4. Make sure you have cleansed the skin before using the tonic.
  5. You can leave this facial tonic for 10 or 15 minutes, and then removed with a damp cloth, preferably warm.
  6. It is preferable to use organic rice, as it is free of all chemicals.
  7. You can prepare a larger amount and it must be refrigerated for preservation. This tonic can last up to 2 weeks refrigerated.
  8. If you have the refrigerated tonic it is recommended to warm up to proceed with its application.
  9. You can use this facial tonic for after you remove makeup.
  10. You can use this facial tonic daily.


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