Guide to losing weight with essential oils


Sometimes the fat can be as stubborn as your cravings. No matter how much time you spend in the gym or how much you reduce your food, losing weight seems impossible. While some doctors may suggest taking certain medications to promote weight loss, there are always side effects to worry about. Sometimes those side effects can be much more problematic than the weight itself. So what can you do? For those who want to use a holistic approach, you may want to consider a guide to losing weight with essential oils.

How to Lose Weight with Essential Oils?

It may not be too clear to you what exactly essential oils are. To put it simply, essential oils come from plants. These oils have a long history of producing beneficial effects for people. They have been used to balance hormones, boost the immune system, fight infections, support digestion and, yes, help people lose weight. If you are interested in a clean and holistic approach to weight loss, follow this guide to lose weight by correctly using essential oils for this goal.

Citrus essential oil for weight loss

By following this recipe, you can create the perfect recipe for essential oils to stimulate weight loss. You’ll need essential oils from:

  • Lemon.
  • Grapefruit.
  • Bergamot.
  • Sweet almonds or coconut oil.

In addition a clear glass bottle and a dropper for medicines. Take the lemon essential oil and add ten drops in the glass bottle. Do the same with grapefruit essential oil. It is grapefruit, in particular, that will help reduce fat as it contains limonene, which boosts immunity and fights fat cells. From the essential oil of bergamot, extract five drops and add them in the glass bottle. Then pour two ounces of sweet almond oil or coconut oil into the glass bottle.

Once this mixture is made in the bottle, you can start mixing by shaking the bottle for thirty seconds. Once it has been mixed properly, you can use a cotton ball or soft cloth to apply the oil to the areas where the grease is stored. Massaging it into the skin always works wonders. In addition to using essential oils for weight loss, you can use this particular cocktail of oils to help reduce cellulite.

Blending essential oils to suppress appetite

A guide to weight loss with essential oils can involve several methods. Next up is a cocktail with essential oils that actually serves to reduce periods of hunger. If overeating is a problem you face, this cocktail may be just what you need. You will have to gather essential oils from:

  • Mint.
  • Lemon.

And, like the previous cocktail, a glass bottle to mix everything and a dropper for medicines.

First, you’ll need to extract 20 drops of the peppermint oil in the bottle. Same with lemon. With this amount inside the bottle, mix the contents by shaking it for thirty seconds. With the essential oils properly mixed, you can keep the bottle with you during each meal. When it’s time to eat, take out the bottle and inhale the aroma. It will help you to control your appetite and not eat too much. If you feel like eating something, use the bottle to help your appetite wait until lunchtime.

Tea with essential oils to reduce size

Essential oils can also be ingested! If you’re a tea lover, use these essential oils to lose weight in a delicious drink. You’ll need essential oils from:

  • Cinnamon.
  • Bergamot.
  • Honey.

Obviously, it will also require a cup of tea or coffee, a bottle to mix the oils and a dropper for medications. Two drops of cinnamon oil are needed in your mixing bottle. Next, add a drop of bergamot to the mixing bottle.

Now it’s time to warm up the water. Fill the cup of tea or coffee with water and place it in the microwave to heat it. Or if you don’t want to use a microwave you can heat a pot with water on the stove. Once the water is warm or warm, whatever your preference, add the oil mixture to the water and a teaspoon of honey. You are free to drink it! In addition to a stimulant for weight loss, this small cocktail of essential oil comes full of other health benefits that can also be enjoyed.

Make it work for you

Obviously, if you’re not the biggest lemon or mint enthusiast, you can easily substitute some essential oils for others. Do some research and see what a better replacement might be for each specific oil. Each cocktail can be customized to your liking.

The best thing about essential oils is that you can’t go wrong either. Because they’re packed with health benefits, even if you don’t notice an immediate change in your weight, now, this weight loss guide engages you in something exceptionally healthy and holistic.



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