Dark spots on the lips, clarify them with these folk remedies


It is common for dark spots to appear around the lips (dark lips), these only affect us physically since they do not produce any risk to our health.

To eliminate stains on the lips, we just have to follow step by step some tips that consist of natural products and also some simple tips that will surely help us improve the appearance of these annoying dark spots.

First of all we must improve and change our lifestyle if we really want to not only decrease, but permanently eliminate these stains.

We will give you some tips to decrease and remove stains and lighten dark lips. But first we will tell you the cause of these stains appearing.

Dark spots around the lips appear mostly from treatments for diabetes, also from iron and vitamin B deficiency.

Tips to avoid dark lips

Now pay attention to these tips:

  • Drink plenty of water that helps to eliminate the pigmentation that affects the appearance of the skin of the lips.
  • Use daily sunscreen on the lips, it is very easy as there are a variety of creams or lipsticks that contain it and it can be used for men and women.
  • Exfoliating the lips constantly is also of great help. The lips can be exfoliated by brushing the lips with the toothbrush. This way you can remove the stains.

After you follow all these tips to change the appearance of spotted lips, you should go to the dermatologist to explain what would be the best practices you should follow to prevent darkening around the upper and lower lip.

Lighten dark lips with these folk remedies

Try these different tips or recipes with folk remedies that will help you eliminate those unwanted dark spots around your lips.

The first natural ingredient that we will recommend to combat stains is:

1. The Lemon

The lemon juice is fantastic to disappear the stains; the lemon is composed of great bleach that is the one we need to combat the stains.

Place a few drops of lemon over your mouth where the stains are and massage with your fingers or a piece of moistened cotton.

Does it for no more than 5 minutes, follow this advice daily. But you should be careful not to expose yourself to the sun after doing so; it is advisable to do it during the night, before bedtime. For safety consult with the dermatologist.

2. Beet Juice

Beetroot helps with the removal of dark spots very effectively. You just need to cut a piece or wheel of beetroot and sobar the lips for up to 5 minutes. In three months you will be able to see the result we expect. The result will be faster if when cutting the beet wheels we take them to the fridge before passing it through our lips.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar works to help whiten our complexion. Just rub your lips and surroundings with your fingers soaked in apple cider vinegar. This is done at night before going to sleep. Then when you get up, your lips are rinsed and you will see what bright they will look like.

4. Rose petals and glycerin

Mix a little rose petal cream with glycerin; this will create a dough or paste. We take some of the pasta to the lips and let it act the whole night. After following this advice for a long time you will be able to see the result.

5. Aloe vera or sabila

Use some gel that is obtained from the center of the penca de sabila. Apply it directly on the stains and let it act for about 15 minutes, and then wash with warm water. You can learn how to prepare aloe vera gel at home.

6. Carrot juice

Carrots are used a lot to lighten the skin as it has a high content of vitamin A and this is an antioxidant. Antioxidants help remove stains.

Take a carrot, paste it and then cut it with the grater, take the grated carrot and express it in a container. With a piece of cotton take some of the juice previously strained, and spread it around the spotted place. Let it work for 10 minutes and then rinse.

After giving you all these tips to follow with natural products. We want to give you other tips that you should also follow if you want to remove those dark spots that appear around the dark lips.

  1. Eat a balanced diet.
  2. Drink 8 glasses of water daily.
  3. Eat fruits and vegetables every day.
  4. Avoid exposing yourself for long periods of time to UV rays.
  5. Use cocoa butter to keep them moistened.
  6. Apply a lipstick containing sunscreen daily.
  7. And finally, smokers forget this bad habit, as it increases the risk of these annoying dark spots appearing, along with other more serious conditions.



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