Avoid these mistakes to prevent the “rebound effect” after the diet


Learn to eat in such a way that you can avoid the rebound effect, which is one of the most common causes of weight gain, and it becomes irreversible in many situations, since the fear of failing again can make us give up.

The main problem when it comes to eating is that the vast majority of people prefer fast food or junk food, fried foods with sauces are made more palatable, and they get carried away by it, consuming large amounts of food that is not healthy and fattening, for this to change, you must learn to eat to stay healthy and thin.

Problem with bad eating habits

The taste for food that fattens, copious dinners that include carbohydrates, sauces, flavored foods, creams, desserts, are factors that influence to gain weight and affect our health, all these foods have good flavor but mixtures and combinations are usually harmful to our body.

You should not diet for a few days

Many times we make the mistake of thinking that the solution is to diet, lose weight, and then return to our habits, this solves the problem for a while and then make great sacrifices, but what happens when we finish the diet and return to our old way of eating?

In that case the lost kilograms return and many times bringing some extras, the constant rise and fall of weight, makes our skin stretch and appear the horrible stretch marks, cellulite and flaccidity, which brings us as a consequence a harder work when it comes to losing weight again.

Learn to avoid the rebound effect while maintaining proper nutrition

The solution is not to diet several times a year and go down and up like an elevator, the solution is to learn to eat, eliminate or decrease those foods that gain weight and add and increase all those that lose weight.

You can eat the food you like at least once a week, but for the rest of the time, eat proteins, vegetables, fruits, unsaturated fats, lower carbohydrate consumption, never eat simple carbohydrates at night, choose proteins and vegetables for dinner and always opt for whole carbohydrates and in less than usual, in this way by changing habits, you will be able to lose weight and stay thin and healthy always.

Speed up your metabolism to stay at your ideal weight and burn fat

One of the easiest ways to burn fat is to speed up the metabolism, if you have a few kilograms more, that even with diet you cannot go down, this can be the solution, there are different ways to do it, if you read this article you will know how to accelerate your metabolism and burn that fat that refuses to disappear.

Tips to speed up metabolism and prevent the rebound effect

  1. The control of your body is in your hands, you can eliminate fat more quickly if you discover how to accelerate the metabolism, in this article we will teach you how to accelerate it and thus be able to burn that Eat fiber: fiber improves constipation, regulates sugar levels, gives a feeling of satiety, so you feel less need to eat and eat fewer calories.
  2. Eat protein: protein increases the functioning of the body, when you eat it your body burns more fat, since to digest amino acids, the body must burn more calories, proteins increase the feeling of satiety and keeps the blood sugar level controlled.
  3. Exercise regularly, 30 minutes of exercise a day will speed up your metabolism, weights and aerobic exercises are great exercises to speed up metabolism, you can also walk, run, play tennis, basketball, or any other sport.
  4. Drink at least two liters of water daily, helps the functioning of the organs and accelerates the metabolism, if you exercise or are very active, you must increase the amount of water you ingest daily.
  5. Consume the calories necessary for your body, do not make very strict diets probe to consume very few calories; they are difficult diets that you will not take for a long time, your metabolism becomes slow, and if you eat more calories than necessary, the body does not burn the calories.
  6. Eat fruits and vegetables preferably, help burn fat, have few calories, give a feeling of satiety, and are rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients.


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