How to maintain a long beard?


If you’ve already made the decision to let your beard grow and wear a long beard, you should understand that just like hair; this will require a series of care and maintenance so that it always looks showy and healthy.

Although at first it does not seem so, facial hair is very different from hair and its care also differs in some respects.

At first, it is common to use the same shampoo and bath gel both for hair and to roast the beard. But you have to keep in mind that your long beard will require certain special care.

Beard hygiene is essential

A healthy beard requires daily grooming, unlike hair, because it can stay up to 3 days without you having to wash it (although it is not the best option).

In this sense, it is advisable that you use a shampoo specifically designed for the beard; by virtue of this is softer and does not cause irritation to the skin, which is different and much more delicate than that of the scalp. Since your beard is going to need ongoing care, try brushing it at least a couple of times during the day and washing it daily.

To wash it you do not need to do it parallel to the body shower, in fact, you can easily roast it in the sink by applying a shampoo suitable for it.

When you are washing it, do not forget to rub it in all its extension so that you can carefully remove all the possible remains that may be inside. It is convenient that you dedicate the necessary time to this work; especially you have an abundant beard, since this is susceptible to accumulate many dirt particles.

It is your option to choose a hairdresser or a barber to mold a certain model of beard, which goes according to your taste and preference.

But if you do not perform maintenance consent, this work will be lost in a few days as well as your money.

Keep your beard hydrated

For an excellent care of the beard, it is not enough to do a good wash. If you additionally receive excellent hydration, you can see how it immediately begins to improve its appearance and you will have less feeling of itching.

Once she is hydrated, you will feel that to the touch it will be softer and above all very ductile for styling or brushing.

In the market it is possible to get a wide range of oils or balms for the beard, made with essential oils and other natural components that provide shine, sedulity and hydration; resulting in an optimal appreciation of its appearance.

Additionally, these balms and oils make it importantly easier to comb the beard hairstyle; allowing it to be modeled at convenience according to its shape.

For this purpose, it is worth accompanying with some type of specific waxes for modeling.

Correct beard hairstyle

The task of combing the beard should go hand in hand with the hydration process and should be carried out immediately after this, never in advance.

The hairstyle can be done with a comb or brush, since thanks to the oil used during hydration the facial hair will be much more hardened and resistant; so it will not crack so easily, in addition to being easy and comfortable to comb.

You can trim it yourself

An important part of maintaining the beard is related to keeping it the right length.

Even if the intention is to let it grow abundantly, it will always be necessary to make one or another cut so that it remains symmetrical.

Regardless of whether you regularly go to your trusted barber or hairdresser to leave your beard with the best of aspects, sometimes it will be necessary to make small touches on your own, to not have to go so often and, additionally, to save some money.

If you do not want to go to a barber, but you intend to adjust your beard with certain cuts, you must have a comb that has very thin teeth.

With each scissor cut you make, proceed to immediately pass that comb so that the hair returns to its original position and you can maintain the desired length in its entirety.


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