8 exfoliating masks with homemade ingredients


Beauty can be a topic that can be treated at home and without much effort, especially the beauty of the face that can be treated with homemade masks or peeling for the face with very good results. But among the most popular treatments for the complexion are the popular “exfoliating masks”; these masks that renew the skin of the face and remove dead cells from the dermis. Below we give you 8 recipes for exfoliating masks with homemade ingredients.

Herbal exfoliating mask

It is one of the most effective exfoliating masks. For its preparation we will need oat flakes (200 grams), almonds (75 grams), rose petals (2 tablespoons), dried calendula (2 tablespoons), dry comfort (2 tablespoons) and almond oil (2 teaspoons). Liquefy oat flakes and almonds, reserve; mix with a small jet of water rose petals, dried calendula, dry consuelda and almond oil; mix with the first preparation until you achieve a cream. Apply and then rinse the face with warm water.

Avocado or avocado mask

This is the simplest of the exfoliating masks on our list. For its preparation you only have to crush the fourth part of an avocado or avocado, mix it with a teaspoon of milk yogurt. Apply and leave for 15 minutes, clean with a damp cloth. This mask can be done once a week.

Aromatherapy mask

I could not miss among the exfoliating masks one made based on aromatherapy. For this mask you will need to mix milk yogurt (2 teaspoons), jojoba oil (1/2 teaspoon), cosmetic mud (1/2 teaspoon), sandalwood essential oil (2 teaspoons) and rose oil (1 drop). Apply the mask for 15 minutes, clean with damp and warm cloth.

Cream mask

To make this exfoliating mask you need oat flakes (50 grams), almonds (2 teaspoons), rose essential oil (1 drop), moisturizing cream (1 tablespoon). Liquefy oat flakes and almonds, reserve; mix the essential oil of roses and the moisturizing cream, then mix both preparations and if necessary add a little water until you achieve the cream contextura. Apply on the wet face and leave for 15 to 20 minutes, clean with damp and warm cloth.

Papaya mask

Moisturizing fruits like papaya are perfect for exfoliating masks. For this mask we need crushed papaya (2 tablespoons), honey (1 teaspoon), lavender essential oil (2 drops), and solder powder (1 tablespoon). Mix all the ingredients until you achieve the consistency of a cream, apply and leave for 15 minutes, clean with damp and warm cloth.

Fruit mask

Another of the most effective exfoliating masks and cleansing of the face made of fresh fruits. For this mask we will need apple cut into small cubes (30 grams), 2 strawberries cut into slices, milk yogurt (2 teaspoons), honey bees (1 teaspoon) and cosmetic mud (2 teaspoons). In a bowl mix all the ingredients, apply and leave for 20 minutes, clean with damp and warm cloth.

Honey mask

This is perhaps the most popular among exfoliating masks. For this mask we need honey from bees (1 tablespoon) and lavender essential oil (3 drops). Mix honey and lavender essential oil, apply and leave for 15 minutes, clean with damp and warm cloth. This mask can be done 2 or 3 times a week to get results quickly.

Honey and yogurt mask

This is a variation of the “Honey Mask“. For its preparation we need ground almonds (1 teaspoon), ground oatmeal (2 teaspoons), honey bees (1 tablespoon), milk yogurt (1 tablespoon) and a drop of lavender oil.

Mix all the ingredients until you achieve the consistency of a cream, apply and leave for 15 minutes, clean with damp and warm cloth.


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