3 remedies for battered hair


Are you upset about having very curly or dry hair? It is impossible to manage battered hair and needs it requires a lot of care and attention, this is why we will share 5 natural remedies to treat it effectively.

A shiny hair, with good thickness and voluminous is the symbol of our health both internally and externally. In this age, where pollution levels are very high, keeping hair healthy is an arduous task because it can be easily mistreated.

Causes of damaged or abused hair

  • Apply direct heat to the hair (use curling tools and even dryers).
  • Too much sun exposure.
  • Use products to discolor hair.
  • Perform the permanent.
  • Coloring hair repeatedly and in a bad way.
  • Excessive brushing.
  • About washing.
  • Use of extensions and fabrics.

When your hair is damaged, it leads to many problems it can even prevent the hair from growing normally. If no action is also taken, the damage will spread to the tips causing the hair to lose its natural shine and thickness.

Food consumption that includes balanced amount of nutrients, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals is a must to reverse battered hair along with other methods that we will mention below.

Remedies to treat battered hair

Here is a list of the best remedies and general tips for treating damaged hair.

Avocado and banana conditioner

Ingredients to prepare the conditioner

  • Plantain.
  • Avocado.
  • Eggs.
  • Honey.
  • Extra virgin olive oil.


First you must make a paste with half an avocado (if your hair is very long you can use a complete one).
Then take half a banana and add about 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Mix well with the avocado paste.
Then take an egg and mix everything in a blender until soft.

How to apply it:

You need to make sure the hair is dry. Start applying the avocado and banana conditioner from the top of your hair. You should not apply the conditioner to the scalp. Then you need to slide down and concentrate mainly on the tips of the hair, as the tips are more likely to be mistreated. Leave the conditioner for about 10 minutes and rinse with water. You will see that your hair becomes soft and shiny.

Benefits of conditioner for battered hair:

  1. Banana nourishes your hair and prevents frying hair.
  2. Avocado helps with hair growth and moisturizes it.
  3. Olive oil generates a healthy and shiny hair.
  4. Honey adds shine to your hair and can also be used to lighten it.

Egg and vinegar conditioner

Ingredients to prepare it

  • Eggs.
  • Olive oil.
  • Honey.
  • Vinegar.
  • Lemon juice.


You should use about 2 to 3 egg yolks and beat them very well, then add about 4 ounces of vinegar, about 5 ouches of lemon juice and mix them at the same time, then add about 8 ounces of olive oil and 2 to 3 tablespoons of honey. Mix well in a blender. You will get a paste that you must use in your hair.

How to apply it:

Apply on the tips of the hair. After applying, leave the conditioner for about 10 to 15 minutes and rinse well with cold or normal water.

Benefits of the conditioner

  1. Eggs act as a good conditioner and add shine to your hair.
  2. Olive oil gets a stronger and also healthier hair.
  3. Honey can be used to lighten hair and will also provide moisture.
  4. Vinegar helps in the treatment of hair lossor alopecia areata.

Banana mask

Bananas are ideal for battered hair, even better when done on a hair mask. Try this recipe that works wonders at repairing damaged hair


  • Plantain.
  • Egg.
  • Honey.
  • Milk.
  • Olive oil.


Mix a banana, an egg, three tablespoons of honey, three tablespoons of milk and 5 tablespoon of olive oil to form a soft paste.

How to apply it:

Apply the paste on the hair and leave it for 15 to 30 minutes and then remove it by washing it.


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